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Inklings News

Extra time is an accommodation granted to students.

Extra time is not a luxury

Rylie Cordella ’25, Business Manager June 12, 2024

Whether it’s for usual class tests, AP exams, or the SAT, having extra time is always met with a “you’re so lucky.” While almost everyone gravitates to the thought of a few extra minutes on a difficult...

The SATs turn to a new, digital version

Andi Jacobs, Web Features Editor April 29, 2024

The paper version of the SAT has now been changed to digital.

Juniors express opinions after taking new digital SAT test

Corbin Chaney ’25, Staff Writer March 28, 2024

Juniors all across the state woke up bright and early to take the big test during the month of March, ready to begin the first chapter of the rest of their lives.  On Thursday March 21, juniors at...

Throughout the month of March, all grades except seniors will participate in a form of the SAT.

Underclassmen reveal opinions on PSAT

Danisha Nasution ’25, Staff Writer March 13, 2024

Tutors are fully booked, College Board books are flying off the shelves and SAT practice tests are buzzing with activity. SAT season has arrived, causing the class of ’25 to go frantic over studying....

My View of the SAT as a Staples’ Student

Caroline Zajac, Assistant Business Manager October 20, 2023

While some students prefer taking the SAT on paper, the online version is a shorter amount of time and has fewer questions. The College Board says they have made it more precise to fit students’ needs.

Juniors vocalize opinions regarding online SAT

Alix Glickman ’23, Social Media Manager March 24, 2023

As of last year, Connecticut made the decision to administer the in-school SAT online, but juniors have conflicting opinions as to whether they prefer the test online or on paper. Juniors took the online...

Some students choose to take the ACT on top of the required SAT, as it is a differently structured test and can play to certain strengths the SAT does not.

Standardized testing culture jumpstarts an early start in preparations

Mia Kirkorsky ’24, Business Manager March 20, 2023

It is not uncommon at Staples to see students as young as sophomores getting tutoring for standardized testing. Test culture has changed significantly in the past 20 years. Particularly after the passing...

Students should really consider which schools they apply to, and not just apply for the sake of quantity.

Reconsider before applying to many schools

Matthew Saw '23, Web Arts Editor January 10, 2023

It’s hard to believe it’s already been four years of highschool. Time really flies fast, and so does the college application window. With there being many colleges across the nation, some feel the...

Westport public schools ranked within the top two for both writing and math according to the average score of all 2022 SATs

Staples ranks highly for SAT scores

Aidan Sprouls ’23, Web Opinions Editor October 27, 2022

Staples ranked  the first for schools with the highest SAT math scores and second for reading and writing, as assessed by Patch, a local news website. Student scores ranged with an average score of 618...

Staples switches to digital SAT format

Staples switches to digital SAT format

Ryan Hong ’23, Staff Writer March 31, 2022

The first digital SAT at Staples was hosted on Thursday, March 24. This was the first time that the SATs were administered digitally at Staples. Under the digital format, students logged onto a secure...

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