Restaurants adapt to social distancing guidelines

Photo by Ella Bloomingdale '20
Westport restaurants have implemented curbside pickup and delivery services in response to First Selectman Jim Marpe’s Executive Order #1 that ordered the closing of all on-site restaurants services, effective March 16.
Westport restaurants have implemented curbside pickup and delivery services in response to First Selectman Jim Marpe’s Executive Order #1 that ordered the closing of all on-site restaurants services, effective March 16.
“The new rule has surprisingly made my family and I eat out more,” Abby Ragland ’21 said. “We haven’t been going out to the grocery stores as much and taking out is really helping us through this quarantine.”
These adaptive services have allowed residents to continue to eat their favorite restaurant meals.
“I think that I eat out more,” Luke Rohem ’20 said. “It is free delivery and new good places that did not do pick-up before now do it.”
The curbside pickup and delivery systems are still in accordance with social distancing guidelines, as they allow customers and proprietors to remain at least six feet apart.
“I think that the new delivery system is a very smart way to decrease the spread of the coronavirus,” Nina Udell ’20 said. “I think it is going to be very effective and help stop the virus as soon as possible.”
Restaurants are also taking extra precautions against the spread of germs. “I called in my order [to Layla’s Falafel] with my credit card and when I picked up, the owner sanitized his hands before and after my transaction,” Ashley Hartman, Westport resident, said.
Westport’s Chamber of Commerce is maintaining a list of restaurants who are participating in social distancing services.

When not playing field hockey for Staples, Ella Bloomingdale ’20 can be found writing articles for Staples’ newspaper, Inklings, as this is her second...