Junior parking sales begin

Staples juniors have begun to purchase their parking stickers. They are available until they are sold out. Students must put their sticker on their windshield in order to legally park in their assigned spot.
Junior parking tickets went on sale on May 13. They cost $20 and are available for purchase in the Assistant Principal’s office until they have all been sold out.
As seniors begin to depart for internships, students in 11th grade can purchase parking passes, permitting them to park on campus. Staples students must bring current a driver’s license, vehicle registration and $20 to be eligible for a spot.
However, students who received any parking violation tickets had to pay those fees before Thursday, May 16 in order to get their permit. Students must also complete the Junior Parking form. As of Monday, May 20, juniors were able to park in their assigned spots.
Students are accommodated based on their parking preference and availability.
“Somewhere near the field house is probably the most ideal parking spot especially for people who have after school sports,” Cole Schuster ’19 said. There are four designated lots for juniors: Lot six is in front of culinary, Lot eight is near the pool, Lots 10 and 12 are by the soccer field and Lot 14 is in front of the lacrosse and field hockey turf.
“I think the field hockey spots are the best because you can avoid the buses and don’t have to deal with as much traffic,” Ben Kurz ’19 said.
Lot 14 sold out on May 16 and there are approximately 75 parking tickets left. Tickets will continue to be available for purchase until all tickets have been sold.