Staples celebrates June’s pride month

The Staples Pride Coalition sets up various decorations around the school for pride month.
As June 1 rolls around, the classic blue and white vibe of Staples High School is swapped out for the rainbow’s vibrant colors to represent pride month. Windows have been painted, tables have been set up with products for students to buy and the school is decked out with red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple.
The Staples Pride Coalition set up a table during all the lunch waves on June 3 with flags, pencils, tattoos, stickers and bracelets that students could purchase for a dollar or two, along with information pamphlets. Walking in the hallway the period after, there were flags sticking out of pockets, backpacks and hair too. Temporary tattoos were stuck on skin and stickers were plastered on computers, phone cases, notebooks and folders.
“We have done window painting outside the auditorium, the library is making pins and stickers and outside the cafeteria we’re going to have a table with a whole bunch of things that people can buy and get for free,” Vice President of the Staples Pride Coalition Hannah Fiarman ’23 said. “And, of course, everyone is encouraged to wear rainbow.”
The Pride Coalition set up a rainbow flower arch that people could take photos with. This day was also utilized to advertise the club. The Staples Pride Coalition provides a safe and welcoming space and a club for individuals both within and outside the LGBTQ+ community who want to assist in advocacy for the group.
“We’ve been connecting with the larger movement and basically just making our presence known to the larger school,” President of the Staples Pride Coalition Kristina Chaney ’23 said.
Pride month has also allowed many other Staples students to get involved with the LQBTQIA+ movement in and out of school. Ava Haazen ’24 and their girlfriend, Lila Sunshine ’23, are excited to celebrate their first pride month together. They are planning on donating to different LGBTQ+ organizations that help expand and protect LGBTQ+ rights and participating in various pride parades throughout the month. When walking into school on June 1, they were ecstatic to see the whole school decked out in rainbow in support of their community.
“I really enjoy the things that the school is doing for pride month. I feel that Staples does an amazing job to show their inclusivity and equality for all groups of people,” Haazen said. “I feel so lucky that I get to go to a school that is so open minded and that I don’t feel ashamed of my sexuality in.“

Creative Director Lily Klau ’23 loves Inklings because of the community it creates, but joined the paper for a reason you might not expect.