April offers restful break for community

Photo contributed by Gabriel McCray ’23.

Gabriel McCray ’23 stays with his family at home during April break. Instead of traveling, they will provide each other with company through family activities.

Everyone spends their days differently. Some work a job while others prefer to lay back and postpone their troubles. When April break comes to mind, everyone has different plans for how to spend their vacation.

Though many used April break to travel, an equal amount of people relaxed at home.

“I don’t really feel the need to go away for April break,” accounting teacher Leonard Klein said. “I’m a big going away during February break guy: it’s cold, everyone’s beat up, we’re far away from the finish line, I need to be in warm weather, I need to just get my mind together.”

Some people will be using the break to not only relax, but recover.

“I’m going to spend time with my brother,” Gabriel McCray ’23 said. “I’ll also be going to physical therapy a lot because I had hip surgery, and my leg’s all messed up.”

This period can help the community come back from illnesses as well. 

“As many pediatricians said, we can get through the flux of flu and all types of infectious diseases, basic colds and all of that,” Chef Cecily Gans said. “So we get a stretch of time when nobody’s in the building, and it gets cleaned.” 

Everyone looks forward to a break, whether it be for recovery, vacation, or relaxation. Break can be used for whatever anyone wants, so the Staples community should go out and enjoy it to the fullest.

“April, right? The weather’s going to be nice, we’re a couple months away from the finish line,” Klein said. “I’m gonna enjoy spring in the northeast, start swinging the softball bat a little bit and get things done around the house.”