There’s a new quarterback in town
Coogan attempts to rally the offense to action against Xavier’s tough defense in the first game of the season on Sep. 12.
In fourth grade, his parents suggested he play football.
“I really didn’t want to do it. I was afraid and unathletic,” he said.
But he did it anyway.
“It was the greatest decision I’ve ever made,” this year’s starting quarterback, Teddy Coogan ’15, said.
Jack Massie ’14, varsity quarterback for the past four years, has no doubt that Coogan will “fill [his] shoes and more.”
“He’s a great kid with a load of talent and I expect him to do some big things this year,” Massie said.
Massie even sees Coogan becoming a threat to other team’s confidence levels on the field. He thinks that by the end of the year, opponents will fear Coogan.
“Teddy is never afraid to hit and get hit,” Massie said.
Coogan has had a lot of time to prepare for all the hits and passes and touchdowns and field goals of this season. When he was playing under Massie, Coogan would get ready just like Massie did, as if he was going to start the game.
This enthusiasm that Coogan has is one of the reasons that head coach Marce Petroccio loves coaching him.
“He has a passion for the game. He’s a student of the game. He’s just a great kid,” Petroccio said. “All his makeup should help us have a successful season,” he added.
Starting runnerback and cornerback Owen Burke ’15 thinks that Coogan and Massie share many of the same characteristics. Playing with Coogan is pretty much like playing with Massie, he said.
“They’re both really good runners and have very good arms,” Burke said.
Burke has been playing with Coogan for his entire football career and loves having him on the field.
“I feel really comfortable with [Coogan] in the backfield with me,” Burke said.
Coogan, along with the rest of the Wreckers, is looking forward to and feeling ready for a hopefully successful season.
“My goal is to be the best teammate I can be and help our team win in every way that I can,” Coogan said.

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Jimmy Ray Stagg is a Staples senior and has been an Inklings writer since sophomore
year. He likes to cover sports and plays baseball and football in...