Bitcoin proves an essential lesson to be taught in schools

Although Bitcoin and cryptocurrency are becoming more popular ideas, the technological advancements that Bitcoin can offer are much more under wraps. To do away with such ignorance, schools should be educating adolescents about how digital currency is shaping a new society.

Cryptocurrency is essentially a new way to look at money. By cutting out the middleman (banks), cryptocurrency efficiently moves money from buyer to seller. 

Cryptocurrency is essentially a new way to look at money. By cutting out the middleman (banks), cryptocurrency efficiently moves money from buyer to seller. 

— Dania Hemdan ’24

Although this may seem mundane, crypto technology could revolutionize money globally. El Salvador recently changed its national currency to Bitcoin, marking a worldwide milestone. As reported by NewsScientist, other countries including Panama and China may also follow suit, so the likelihood of Bitcoin entering our lives is increasing rapidly.

According to Getting Smart magazine, Blockchain (the tech that crypto is built on), could completely change how we do things academically by creating a much more efficient storage system. From student records to file storage, anything can change if Blockchain tech is used to our advantage.

While this is all great, the main issue that still stands is the general population’s lack of education on Bitcoin. Personally, my Bitcoin knowledge was very limited until recently. This is a big issue that the education system has the power to solve. 

Through schools, information about crypto can become much more accessible and people will be able to actually understand the financial aspects of Bitcoin.

According to CNBC, a school in Scotch Plains, New Jersey is already implementing Bitcoin education in the curriculum, including the history of cryptography and the applications of blockchain technology.

By writing cryptocurrency into science or social studies curriculum, our school can give students a better understanding of how our society is changing. Staples High School doesn’t focus on technology enough in the general curriculum, and as a student body our knowledge of the relevant tech is fading fast. Students are the future, and so is cryptocurrency, but right now the two couldn’t be more separate.