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Controversies over college commitment t-shirt day spark debate among senior class

Graphic contributed by: Mia Kirkorsky ’24
Multiple factors including FAFSA deadlines, AP exam dates and old senior traditions (like the senior picnic) impact what day seniors will wear their college merch.







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About the Contributors
Mia Kirkorsky ’24
Mia Kirkorsky ’24, Business Manager
Business Manager Mia Kirkorsky ’24 knows the feeling of hard work as a coxswain at Saugatuck Rowing Club and business manager at Inklings.   Kirkorsky got into journalism after taking the class freshman year. “Since I do a sport it’s nice that it’s a club but also a class,” Kirkorsky said.  Ultimately, she isn’t interested in becoming a journalist, but her time at Inklings may help her with her potential future. “I would use the knowledge I've learned from being a business manager,”  Kirkorsky said, “because I want to minor in business.”
Ava Cordella ’24
Ava Cordella ’24, Associate Managing Editor
When Ava Cordella ’24 joined Inklings as a sophomore, she didn’t know that the club would become her in-school family. Now, as Associate Managing Editor, Inklings has given her the opportunity to connect with students across all grades and backgrounds.  “I don’t play a school sport, so I really value the sense of community that Inklings provides,” she said.  When Cordella is not at Inklings layout, you can likely find her at the ballet studio. “Journalism is similar to ballet,” Cordella said. “[Together], they’ve taught me discipline and the importance of showing up, whether it be to layout or rehearsal.”

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