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Inklings News

Caitlin Clark dominates the discussion of women’s sports due to her one of a kind gameplay and starpower. Inequalities still remain in the athletic system between genders, although women athletes are starting to get more brand deals and advertisements.

Caitlin Clark craze powers movement of women’s sports

Anna Kercher ’25, Paper Features Editor May 31, 2024

Under the blinding lights of the arena, she moves with unmistakable prowess, a look of fierce competition in her eyes, two steps ahead in every play. With just a simple dribble step back maneuver, she...

At a powerlifting competition in April, Abe Lobsenz ’25 broke three state records for his weight class. 102.5kg for bench, 155 kg for squat and 195kg for deadlift.

Powerlifters pursue national records, co-found club

Ayaan Olasewere ’25, Web Sports Editor May 16, 2024

While powerlifting, weightlifting and lifting have some similarities, powerlifting’s aim is different. At its base, powerlifting is the effort to maximize absolute strength in the three main lifts of...

Without the rising stars in college basketball, the viewership and audience engagement wouldn’t be the same. These young athletes, both men and women, are game changers.

Game changers: embracing the next gen athletes

Ella Harrington ‘25, Web News Editor April 30, 2024

I’ve always liked watching sports. But it wasn’t until recently that I started to be really invested in them, especially with this new, young generation of athletes. During March Madness, I found myself...

In 2017, the United States had the fastest growing squash population across the globe and saw junior participation grow fourfold, as per US Squash. In line with the national trend, Staples girls’ squash is seeing an increase in involvement, with 22 girls rostered this season compared to 16 last year.

Girls’ squash commences new season, grows in popularity

Caroline Coffey, Staff Writer January 18, 2022

When asked to recount which sports teams among the multitude occupy the attention of the student body, many are likely to reference the big three: baseball, basketball and football.  While the three...

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