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Prom preparations, 2 trends sweep junior class

Anna Kercher ’25
As junior prom is right around the corner, Staples girls and boys share how they will get ready for it and all that goes into preparing. Favorite dress trends are shared from a multitude of different perspectives, giving insight on what colors and styles people want to see this upcoming dance.





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About the Contributors
Anna Kercher ’25
Anna Kercher ’25, Paper Features Editor
Paper Features Editor Anna Kercher ‘25 initially joined Inklings to pursue her love of writing and follow in her older sister’s footsteps. She’s excited to continue developing her writing and creativity skills this year. “I like making broadcasts, even though it’s harder to find topics,” Kercher said. “I find it to be more creative and enjoyable.” When Kercher is not playing volleyball or working on an article, you can find her hanging at the beach or mall. “My favorite things to do in my free time,” Kercher said, “are to go to the beach with my friends, listen to music and shop.”  
Sophia Reeves '25
Sophia Reeves '25, Paper News Editor
Paper News Editor Sophia Reeves ’25 learns lessons from friends from Connecticut to Corsica, France to gain a global perspective when writing. An avid dancer since she was two, Reeves has grown up around dancers from throughout Connecticut.  “I can compare what's going on at Staples to what's going on at other schools,” Reeves said.  During her travels this summer, she was immersed in a new culture, using journalism to share her valuable experiences. “My brothers and I stayed with a French family that we're friends with,” Reeves said. “I think that staying with them made the experience more authentic.”

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