Griffin Thrush tees off for his last season as head of SuperFans
There are a select few people who have navy blue and white running through their veins. There are a select few who yearn for the feeling of the cool metal bleachers yet stand for the entirety of the gameplay. There are a select few people who rise above the rest as the ultimate fanatics. Each year two of these select few people are chosen to run the SuperFans.
If you’re one of the 1,067 members of the Staples SuperFans Facebook group, then you undoubtedly know the name Griffin Thrush ’15. Known for promoting games for every sport, as well as his sheer audacity and his willpower to defend the Wreckers against any other fanbase, Thrush has proven to be a successful leader to Staples’ largest student organization.
Thrush hopes that his own legacy will be one of positivity. “When people hear my name, I want them to think, ‘Oh he’s a great kid, really enthusiastic,’ Thrush said. “I mean I don’t want to toot my own horn, but I just hope people think good things.”
While Thrush enjoys the fanfare of the football games, the chilling intensity of the hockey games and the intimate ferocity of basketball and volleyball games, he himself plays a sport that doesn’t have a huge following at Staples.
Thrush has been playing golf since he was three years old and while revering the togetherness and the brother and sisterhood formed in the thunderous fan section, he loves the “individuality” that golf provides.
Peter Richards ’15, captain of the golf team, believes that Thrush’s “legacy at Staples will probably be for his outgoing and loud personality and his leadership in SuperFans.”
However, Richards believes that Thrush’s skills shouldn’t be ignored. “He started on varsity his first year on the team last year, and helped us rank inside the top five teams in the FCIAC and inside the top eight teams in the state,” Richards said. “Plus he’s playing golf at Hobart next year, so you know he’s pretty solid.”
Co-head of the SuperFans, Greg Fisher ’15, praises Thrush’s ability to inspire his fellow fanatics. “Griffin has a great way of getting people rallied around Staples sports,” Fisher said. “He’s loud, he always makes his presence known and he’s not afraid to take charge.”
Thrush’s enthusiasm and energy came out even before he started answering questions. When approached for an interview, Thrush asked, “Can we walk and talk? I’m good at that.” Throughout the whole conversation, Thrush never lost pace or stumbled, marching through the halls with confidence.
That confidence makes it hard to forget Thrush after meeting him. “This one time we went to a random deli in Fairfield, and he basically knew the entire staff by name,” Richards recalls. “This happens nearly every time we go out.”
Although Thrush believes that the two worlds of golf and SuperFans have very little in common, he would love to see some support for Staples golf.
“I’d love to see a gallery of fans come out and support us,” Thrush said. “I think that’d be hilariously awesome.”
Whether it be hoisting the “S” banner high above the crowd or sending a ball into orbit with his driver, Thrush has undoubtedly left his mark on Staples.

Jimmy Ray Stagg is a Staples senior and has been an Inklings writer since sophomore
year. He likes to cover sports and plays baseball and football in...