Alexandra O’Kane ’13
Staff Writer

The Staples varsity field hockey team lost to Fairfield Ludlowe by a score of 3-1 in the first round of the state tournament on Wednesday. Despite the losing effort, the team gave Fairfield a tough game by holding the Falcons scoreless in the second half.
After the first half, Ludlowe led 3-0, and according to captain and goalie Jenn Hoets ‘11, “we were off to a shaky start.” However, about 8 minutes into the second half, Callie Hiner ‘12 scored Staples’ one and only goal, bringing the score up to 3-1. During the final minutes of the second half, the Wreckers had opportunities in the Fairfield zone but could not convert
Going into the game, the girls thought they would win. “We were so excited and it definitely didn’t go as we expected,” Hoets said. The feeling that Hoets described was shared by others on the teams. “We really showed how well we could play in the second half,” said captain Erica Gendell ’11.
Even the loss couldn’t ruin the great dynamic the team had built all season. “I loved this season, this team, and this sport so I am sad it must come to an end” said captain Elizabeth Driscoll ’11. “We came together so well as a team and never stopped trying,” Driscoll said.