Max Itin displays his varied artistic talents

Max Itin displays his varied artistic talents

The art show is up and all the wonderful pieces are on display. Some of those pieces belong to an unique and truly talented student. Max Itin ’16 is one of the many artists currently displaying their traditional media. The first piece he did was a still life of shells in pencil, and the other two were drawings of cars.

Itin is one of the many talented art students at Staples High School and has been taking art classes since freshman year. “I have taken Drawing A, Advanced Drawing a couple of times, Drawing Honors and I am currently in AP,” he said. “Aside from that, I have taken Design and Tech one and two as well as Digital Darkroom and Film Photography.”

Ever since Itin was young, he always enjoyed drawing at his home.

“I learned I liked drawing when I was really young. I always liked drawing birds, hawks, eagles and falcons,” Itin said. “Drawing has really been through my family. My mom dad and other family members are artists ranging from painters to sculptors.”

Originally, Itin wanted to go into graphic design or concept art; however, his real passion lies behind a lens of a camera.

“I really actually got into photography about three years ago, and have been doing it ever since, fell in love with it,” Itin said. “And it’s a really good way to combine two passions together, the automotive side, and the art side. I set up a websight called to store all my photos.”  

Itin stumbled upon photography during a school schedule conflict which dropped him into digital darkroom, where his intrigue in the art of the camera took off.

Itin’s expertise in photos stands out through his automotive pieces. “I’m an automotive photographer; I love to shoot cars, I always have. I really like to shoot vehicles in general, that’s why I did those two cars in the show.”

Itin has a strong idea for the future and looks forward to what opportunities lie ahead for his photography. After high school, Itin wants to lay back and see where his photography takes him.

“Right now I’m looking at taking a gap year, seeing where my photography business takes me,” Itin said.