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Inklings News

Wreckers Wealth Management team members Andrew Rebello ’25, Alex Sod ’25, Srish Popuri ’25 and Mack Haymond ’25 pose with their second place awards from the Wharton Global High School Investment Competition.

Everyone’s Investing in Wreckers Wealth Management

Rachel Olefson '25 and Alex Gaines '25 May 20, 2024

When Alex Sod ’25, president of the Staples High Investment and Trading Society, eagerly asked one of his teachers to advise his newly-created club, he was shocked by the response he received. “He...

Despite the fact that many juniors complain about their walk to the unofficial junior parking lot, Wakeman Field, the past year of parking there has taught me numerous invaluable life lessons and granted me many social and health benefits.

It’s really not that bad: an ode to my walk to Wakeman

Rachel Olefson '25, Web Managing Editor May 10, 2024

I make an effort to breathe and reconnect with nature after my panic attack the day before over my AP final exams. As the flowers bloom and the sun shines brightly, I take a moment to appreciate the scenery...

Anthropology, a social studies course, will be offered as an Early College Experience (ECE) course for the 2024-2025 school year. Students can sign up for a more challenging version of the course that offers benefits such as earning college credit at a discounted rate that can transfer to 87% of secondary institutions.

Anthropology ECE class approved in time for course selections

Rachel Olefson, Web News Editor March 7, 2024

Anthropology, a preexisting class at Staples focussing on the “major theories about the development of man, culture and civilization”, according to the Program of Studies, has just been approved to...

Since the events of Oct. 7, 2023, many Jewish students have become uncomfortable with others knowing about their Jewish identities, as well as with discussing the conflict between Hamas and Israel.

Jewish students navigate college campus safety concerns

Rachel Olefson '25, Web News Editor January 8, 2024

One week after I put together the rough draft of my college list, the presidents of three major universities, Harvard, UPenn and MIT, suspiciously dodged questions about whether they could have done more...

With the end of the four-month long actors strike came the above terms, which the AMPTP agreed to after actors and crew members alike walked picket lines outside major film and television studios throughout the duration of the strike.

SAG-AFTRA actors vote to end four-month long strike

Rachel Olefson ’25, Web News Editor December 6, 2023

The Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) voted to ratify their new contract with the Alliance of Motion Picture and TV Producers (AMPTP) on Dec. 5, officially...

Recently, as conflicts in Israel have made celebrating my Jewish faith more dangerous, my Hebrew name necklace has served as a reminder to keep my religious values close to my heart.

My Hebrew necklace: what Judaism means to me

Rachel Olefson ’25, Web News Editor November 3, 2023

Ever since I was little, my dad has instilled in me that if I don’t respect my own religion, no one will. I went to Hebrew school every Tuesday from kindergarten to seventh grade, became a b’nai mitzvah...

On “Dancing with the Stars”, contestants compete for the Len Goodman mirrorball trophy, named after the show’s Head Judge who recently passed away. My top picks for the winners of this year’s trophy are Ariana Madix and Jason Mraz, whose partners are professional dancers Pasha Pashkov and Daniella Karagach, respectively.

‘Dancing with the Stars’ exhibits promise in season premiere, excites audiences

Rachel Olefson ’25, Web News Editor October 4, 2023

It’s the event we’ve all been waiting for: Dancing with the Stars premiered live on ABC and Disney+ for its 32 season on Tuesday, Sept. 26 and made shockwaves in the best way possible. Here is the...

As a result of coursework from AP and Honors curriculum being mixed, Honors level classes have become frustrating as a result of doing the same work as AP students, but not receiving the same weight in their GPAs. (Graphic by Rachel Olefson ’25)

Blurred lines between honors, AP classes cause frustration

Rachel Olefson ’25, Web News Editor April 30, 2023

Last year, many other freshmen and I had a decision to make: should we take US History at A, Honors or AP level? AP sounded scary to me; my Global Themes teacher had only recommended two students in total...

As a result of the removal of the bridge furniture on the second floor earlier this year, Staples library has become more crowded, yielding noise complaints and leaving both students and faculty to wonder when (or if) the furniture will be brought back. Graphic by Rachel Olefson 25.

No movement on reinstating bridge furniture, study halls being considered

Rachel Olefson ’25, Web News Editor March 27, 2023

A  recent proposal for reinstating the bridge furniture and possibly implementing study hall spaces was posed at a Staples Collaborative Team meeting on March 3, however, no advancements have been made...

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