School spirit spreads around the school throughout this year’s spirit week.
Spirit Week sparks joy in seniors
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About the Contributors

Alice Frascella ’25, Web Opinions Editor
Web Opinions Editor Alice Frascella ’25 regrets not joining Inklings earlier. She took a gap year between Intro to Journalism and Advanced Journalism, but is ultimately happy she joined Inklings
“I was interested in journalism and news and everything and I thought [Advanced Journalism] was the best English class for me,” Frascella said.
Frascella spends most of her time outside of school and Inklings rowing for the Saugatuck Rowing Club and enjoys the community that rowing provides.
“My favorite part is the teamwork and the togetherness ,” Frascella said, “and the ability to have wins and losses as a team.”

Rylie Cordella ’25, Business Manager
Rylie Cordella ’25, Business Manager
When someone recommends something new, there’s a chance you won’t like it. However, that’s not how it was for Rylie Cordella ’25 when her sister suggested she take Intro to Journalism her freshman year.
“I like how there’s a lot of options … there’s different positions that can cater to everyone’s interests,” Cordella ’25 said, “and you don’t have to be there after school for my position, so that works for me.”
Aside from Inklings, Cordella ’25 rows for the Saugatuck Rowing Club.
“It’s a crazy schedule,” Cordella ’25 said. “I can’t do anything after school … I couldn’t imagine not doing it.”