Caroline O'Kane, Creative Director
To Caroline O’Kane ’16, dedication comes naturally. As Creative Director for Inklings, O’Kane is in charge of all the photos and graphics that go into the printed issues, and is behind the camera for many of them. Her love for photographic journalism began freshman year, when her older sister asked her to take photos of her journalism class for an assignment. From that moment, O’Kane was hooked and continued to take photos of everything she could capture. O’Kane’s passion for photography is equaled only by her passion for gymnastics. Over the summer, O’Kane traveled to Finland to compete in the 15th World Gymnaestrada with gymnasts from across the globe. “The coolest part was being able to create bonds through gymnastics, with people who didn’t even speak your language,” she says. O’Kane would love to continue with photography in her future, but doesn’t know if she would like to make a profession of it. Wherever she ends up, however, she will be sure to bring her passionate spirit with her.