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Anthropology, a social studies course, will be offered as an Early College Experience (ECE) course for the 2024-2025 school year. Students can sign up for a more challenging version of the course that offers benefits such as earning college credit at a discounted rate that can transfer to 87% of secondary institutions.

Anthropology ECE class approved in time for course selections

Rachel Olefson, Web News Editor March 7, 2024

Anthropology, a preexisting class at Staples focussing on the “major theories about the development of man, culture and civilization”, according to the Program of Studies, has just been approved to...

The School Counseling Department celebrates National School Counseling Week by recognizing the many individuals who guide Staples students towards success everyday. Their devoted work is always appreciated and it never goes unnoticed. (Photo contributed by @stapleshighschool_counseling on Instagram)

National School Counseling Week prompts gratitude, recognition for Staples counselors

Ruby Kantor ’24, Paper Managing Editor February 15, 2024

As we commemorate National School Counseling Week, I find myself reflecting on the profound impact that the School Counseling Department and, more specifically, my assigned guidance counselor have had...

Kayla Damiano ’25 logs into Scoir.

From Naviance to Scoir: Staples Adopts a New, Smoother Website for Student College Admission Process.

Elsa D’Elia ’25, Paper Editor October 27, 2023

Staples juniors and seniors have spent years relying on the program Naviance for all their college-related needs. Naviance was believed to have all it could offer to students searching for their perfect...

This stand stays outside of the school counseling offices and is a place where students can interact with a school counseling officer during the school day.  Even though this sign states, “Guidance help: free” they would like their services to be called “School Counseling.”
Photo by Aidan Sprouls '23.

Guidance office transitions name to ‘School Counseling’

Aidan Sprouls ’23, Web Opinions Editor February 16, 2023

Guidance has recently been making a transition to refer to its services as “School Counseling.” This change will be an adjustment to students; however, some believe that this will make the counseling...

Sometimes dropping a class can be a tough decision, but for me, accepting that I wasn’t good at Multivariable Calculus relieved my academic stress.

Math isn’t for everyone, and I won’t let my failure define me

Ella Shi ’23, Managing Editor November 1, 2022

Growing up, math was always a subject I was naturally good at. I remember in third grade, my mom and I would sit at the dinner table after eating and do algebra sheets she printed out. Each right answer...

Guidance counselors recommend methods to mitigate war-induced stress, regardless of many students shying from opening up about the topic.

Guidance advice mitigates Russian-Ukraine war stress, some skeptical

Samantha Sandrew '25, Web Managing Editor April 11, 2022

You sit in class watching the minutes tick by while the teacher continues their lecture. You have seen the news. You know that every movement the clock hands make is filled with destruction. 11:42. Dead....

The virtual calm room features four rooms: a relaxation room, a creativity room, a physical wellness room and a reading room. The reading room includes links to books about topics such as the importance of sleep and the inner workings of the teenage brain, as well as pleasure books such as “Harry Potter” and “Lord of the Flies.”

Guidance department’s “Virtual Calm Room” takes positive step toward improving mental health

Karina Murray ’22, Features editor March 4, 2022

 “During the pandemic, a larger than average share of young adults (ages 18-24) report symptoms of anxiety and/or depressive disorder (56%),” KFF, a non-profit health journalism organization, reported. Among...

While many colleges are allowing applicants to choose to submit their test scores, stress for the junior class persists.

Junior class navigates pressure from standardized-tests

Lyah Muktavaram ’22, Broadcast Director November 24, 2021

As you walk into school, you are immediately met with the sight of big-name, competitive colleges displayed on sweatshirts, hats and t-shirts. Whispers throughout the hallways between friends reveal conversations...

The nearing Nov. 1 deadline creates extreme stress for the class of ’22. Seniors who choose to apply for an early decision or early action school will be applying to college in the next week.

Crunch time: guidance counselors offer seniors advice for following weeks

Samantha Felner ’22, Associate Managing Editor October 25, 2021

In the upcoming days, seniors will be wrapping up the last bits of their early applications and hitting that big “submit” button. With the Nov. 1 early decision deadline quickly approaching, tensions...

Ms. Paruta attended Sacred Heart University for her undergraduate college and got her bachelor of psychology and earned her masters in Marriage and Family therapy from Fairfield University.

New drug and alcohol counselor, Carolee Paruta, provides student guidance

Lily Caplan ’22, Managing Editor April 27, 2021

This year has been filled with difficult changes and a new way of life; however, many things have also changed for the better, one being the addition of a new Staples drug and alcohol counselor. The...

This year brought an unprecedented obstacle for the guidance department as they had to help navigate seniors through the college process while hybrid learning occurred and the ability to help students in person was no longer allowed.

Guidance department steps up, plays key role in helping seniors navigate college process

Marina Engler '21, Staff writer February 12, 2021

As I settle into my role as a second semester senior, I can safely attest that the road to getting to this point in the year was far from smooth. Unlike everyone else who has had to adapt to the new reality...

In order to boost student morale, Staples must introduce an anonymous helpline for students to converse about mental health, stress or personal issues.

Implementation of an anonymous helpline will boost student morale, wellbeing

Lauren Hassell ’22, Web Features Editor January 22, 2021

The onset of social isolation came hand-in-hand with disruption to daily routines. From the inability to socialize without the use of video chatting platforms to the stress of the inescapable, formidable...

Among other adjustments being made, the guidance department is now active on Twitter, posting updates regularly on their feed to keep students informed.

COVID-19 introduces changes to the guidance department

Tallula Stvan '21, Paper Arts Editor November 8, 2020

Like many things in and outside of Staples, the guidance department looks different this fall due to COVID-19. The counselors have made accommodations to help students in a safe and organized fashion.  This...

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