Looking Back at Westport

Senior year is quickly coming to an end and the time for reflection is soon to come.

As of now, the familiar sounds of my alarm waking me up at 6 a.m. in the morning will not be missed. When I am off to college, however, the aroma of bacon and eggs sitting in my kitchen as I take my first breath of a Monday morning will be something I would do anything to go back to.

The comfort of having my very own Compo Beach is something people, including myself, take for granted.

Mothers walking their dogs on the smoothly paved side roads next to the perfectly shining ocean is a view I’m going to miss dearly.

The familiar faces of people who I’ve grown close to these past 17 years will be gone for months on end. The only way I’ll be able to see those faces when I’m away at college is through a screen that’s virtually transports me thousands of miles away.

Lastly, I’ll miss waking up at seven in the morning voluntarily on the weekends finding myself craving a bacon, egg and cheese from Bagel Maven.

The quick trip to my favorite breakfast place will have to wait until I’m home on breaks, which will be too long for me to handle.

But for now, I will take everything in because soon these things will be gone and I will be yearning to get the days back.