Starbucks fuels Staples students’ dependence on caffeine

“Hi, I’ll have a venti iced skinny hazelnut macchiato with sugar-free syrup, an extra shot, light ice and no whip.”
I’m lost at this point. Is this even English? What does it all mean? This is a coffee order that is available at Starbucks. A coffee enthusiast may consider this order a walk in the park, but I consider this order to be incredibly confusing.
I admit that I am not a coffee drinker or frequent Starbucks goer.
When dozens of Staples students stroll in ten minutes late to class, sipping their highly caffeinated drinks that I can’t pronounce, I am not envious. I do not understand Staples students’ obsession with Starbucks to the point that they wake up 30 minutes earlier to get their dose of caffeine every morning, when in fact they could have that extra time to sleep. This is counterproductive if you ask me.
I chose not to follow this Starbucks trend because to me it’s not worth following. Starbucks coffee contains high amounts of caffeine at 95 milligrams per cup (8 ounces) of normal coffee. And that’s only if you stop at one. This amount also doesn’t include shots of espresso or sugary toppings.
According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, excess consumption of caffeine can lead to side effects including a shaky, jittery feeling, an increased heart rate, nervousness and inability to concentrate.
Huh, that sounds like every Staples student ever.
Students who drink multiple cups of coffee as a daily pick me up can become more and more dependent on the caffeine to the point where if they go one morning without coffee, they could experience some of the difficult symptoms, including headaches. I don’t know about you but at the ripe old age of 16 I would prefer not to be dependent on something to make me function throughout the day.
What students need to realize is that the only healthy alternative for sleep is…sleep. Caffeine does give a temporary boost to keep you awake, however it doesn’t provide long term energy throughout the day.
The problem is not just that caffeine is addictive, it’s that the obsessed are unaware of their obsession. And the ones that admit their addiction to caffeine don’t take action.
Remember – when your friends ask you to go to Starbucks to get frappuccinos or a persistent waiter keeps offering you a cappuccino after your lunch, just say no.

If you’re looking for Emily Olrik you will most likely find her in Inklings. After growing up with a very artistically orientated family, Olrik knew...