Westport community gathers peacefully downtown, shows disapproval of recent Texas abortion ban

Photo taken from Instagram

Many Westport community members reposted this image on social media in order to educate their peers on the Texas abortion ban and the local protest.

Westport community members gathered on Main Street on Sept. 5 to protest the recent ban on abortions in Texas. 

The Texas abortion law prohibits most abortions past 6 weeks with few exceptions. 

Many in Westport find that this new law, won over by a supreme court ruling of 5-4, strips women of their right to choose what to do with their own bodies. 

“I believe in power in numbers,” Stella Libman ’24 said. “Seeing so many people coming together to support [safe abortions] made me feel proud and safe.”

While several Texas lawmakers support this new law, many other Americans view this ban as a threat to safe abortions and women’s bodily autonomy everywhere. 

“I’m gonna make sure that a woman’s right to choose is protected,” Gov. Ned Lamont said. “I’m not gonna let what happened in Texas happen in Connecticut.”

Although women in Connecticut are not directly affected by the laws in Texas, it could potentially affect the future of female reproductive health as a whole. Many find that expressing female empowerment through protest is necessary in order to stand up for women everywhere and make change. 

“It was a really empowering feeling to see so many people, of all genders, unify and show support for women’s rights in this way,” Janna Moore ’23 said. “Even though the bill doesn’t directly impact us in Westport now, it is a threat to women’s rights everywhere and it was really great to see all of the support.”