Patty bids Best Buddies goodbye

Every year, members of the Staples Best Buddies club say farewell to parting members. This year, students say an especially sad goodbye to long-time advisor and friend, Patty McQuone.

Some may know her as the smiling face who greets sleepy students as they roll in with questionable excuse notes. Others know McQuone as the woman who turned Best Buddies from a quiet, five-person group into the admired success that it is today.

“Basically my kids are grown, so we’re downsizing, and we have a lot to do. And I just know to give 100 percent to Best Buddies and 100 percent to that, I just don’t have it in me,” McQuone said.

After four years building popularity and respect among the Staples community, McQuone is ready to pass the torch to a new leader. Club members, like Megan Nuzzo ’15, admire McQuone’s dedication to the organization throughout the years.

“Patty puts so much time and love into making the club better for all of us. It’ll definitely be different without Patty next year” Nuzzo said.

Students have always recognized McQuone’s devotion to Best Buddies.

“She was always there for all the officers and the club members and the buddies. She always supported us as a club,” Beth Lester ’13 said.

While McQuone may not be involved with the behind the scenes work, she still plans on maintaining a close relationship with the group. “I’ll be at most, if not all, events,” McQuone said.

During her time as a club co-advisor, along with staff member Deborah Gallon, McQuone and the students have formed bonds and memories that she plans to carry with her after she leaves; her favorite memory being the first annual Best Buddies Ball. “We just went all out and had a Hollywood theme, and it was just so cool,” she said.

Maddy Rozynek ’14 , like many others, admired McQuone’s passion for the club. “It’s really special because all the buddies loved to be around her, and would surround her desk every morning to talk to her,” Rozynek said.

McQuone’s hard work and love for the cause will be dearly missed in the coming years. However, this is not her final goodbye.

“There’s no getting rid of me,” she said.