Don’t shop ’till you drop

If you’ve ever seen me in the hall, you know that I am not the most fashionable student at Staples. I’ve progressed since freshman year where on Pajama Day, I realized that what I wear to school normally is what everyone wears to sleep.

Although I still think yoga pants and t-shirts are much more practical than while cute dresses, and logo-wear days will forever be my favorite excuse to wear a sweatshirt and leggings, I’m actually not opposed to fashion; I just hate shopping.

I’d much rather wear clothing that went out of style years ago or has holes than shop. First of all, the process takes so long. When I was young and naïve, I believed my mom that it is actually possible to take a “quick trip to the mall,” but I have since learned the truth.

Even if you’re just shopping for just one dress, it takes hours of trying on thousands of dresses, tons of necklaces, and numerous accessories all which acquire examination at every angle for parental approval.

Secondly, the prices. I can’t help but look at a $20 shirt and think about the number of Starbucks iced-mochas I could buy with that money. Why spend $200 on a pair of jeans when you could be buying a ticket to “Newsies” on Broadway instead? I’d much rather have a few pairs of sweatshirts and a few more bucks than a fashionable outfit.

So you’re probably wondering why I don’t wear sweats every day to school. I promise you, it’s not by choice.

My mom has actually resorted to grounding me until I go shopping. The week before school I wasn’t allowed to hang out with my friends until I shopped.

Once I got to a store, my mom seized the opportunity and made me buy summer, fall and winter clothes all at once because she and I very well knew that I wouldn’t be going on another shopping trip anytime soon.

Needless to say, I’d be happy to go to the beach or the movies, but never invite me to go shopping.