5 steps to nail summer job interviews


With summer creeping just around the corner, many Staples students are beginning the inevitable summer job search. After filling out countless applications and sending out numerous emails to possible employers, many are soon going to be experiencing their first ever job interview. It may sound scary at first, but if you take these few pieces of advice into consideration, your summer job interview should go as smoothly as a fresh dollop of whipped cream.


  1. Be on time

First thing’s first. Make sure you are on time. In fact, I recommend leaving your house 5-10 minutes earlier than you normally would in case of unexpected traffic or bad luck with red lights. Showing up on time to the interview or even a couple minutes early will alleviate stress and prove that you are a reliable and mature young adult who will always be punctual.


  1. Be prepared

When going into any interview it’s important to have prepared adequately beforehand. Whether this means a mock interview with your mom (even if she’s secretly online shoe shopping simultaneously) or making yourself flashcards, you should probably be able to answer the question, “What experience have you had working with kids?” when interviewing for a position as a camp counselor. Employers always keep their eyes and ears open for shakiness and lack of confidence and being prepared will eliminate any chance of a hesitant appearance.


  1. Dress to impress

First impressions are everything when it comes to interviewing. The second you walk into that Barnes and Noble to meet your potential future boss, assumptions are being made regarding your responsibility, work ethic and organizational skills. No matter the job you are interviewing for, be it a camp counselor or an office assistant, you should be showered, dressed to impress and wearing deodorant (in order to eliminate any stench of the nervous pit stains).


  1. Initiate a firm handshake

When it comes time to officially introduce yourself to your prospective boss, it is vital to have a solid handshake. Clammy hands are a turnoff, so if you think you may be a victim of this, be sure to casually wipe your hands on your pants before going in for the handshake. When you finally make contact, keep a firm grip for no longer than three seconds. Remember, a strong handshake screams confidence and self-assurance, both qualities that are always sought after.


  1. Eye contact and smiling are key

Once you finally settle in for the much anticipated questioning, keep steady eye contact and never break your smile. Employers are looking for happy people to work for them, so interviewing with a straight face can be detrimental. Eye contact is also key because it shows courage and proves you are confident in your answers.