
Meg Enquist ’23

Schoology has been used as a platform for submitting homework assignments during the various learning models associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Submitting assignments digitally: positive outcome of learning during the COVID-19 pandemic 

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, students and teachers have adapted to a variety of learning models. One positive outcome of this experience has been teacher’s continued use of Schoology and Google Classroom as platforms for submitting assignments. 

After three years at Staples HIgh School, I’ve experienced learning following  fully remote, hybrid and full in-person learning models. Through it all, I have found that submitting assignments through Schoology and Google Classroom is the most effective way for students to turn in their work, thus teachers should continue to utilize these platforms. 

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the majority of my teachers used to either collect or check off students’ assignments at the beginning of each class. This method wasn’t a very productive use of limited class time.

During quarantine, the remainder of my teachers shifted to using Schoology and Google Classroom. Most of my teachers continued to use these platforms during the hybrid learning model of the following school year. I initially wasn’t fond of having to submit my assignments digitally, as I found it difficult to upload scanned documents. However, as I became familiar with this process, I grew to care for submitting assignments digitally. 

I have found that submitting assignments to Schoology and Google Classroom allows teachers to maximize class time by beginning class after the bell. Also, it is helpful to have a digital copy of assignments accessible at all times. This allows students to view their assignment in the event that they forgot to bring the hard copy to class. This practice is also beneficial because it prevents teachers from collecting materials that students may need to reference. 

So, while some teachers have reverted  to the pre-pandemic full in-person learning model by returning to collecting assignments at the start of each class, I urge them to stop and reconsider. We should maintain consistency and all continue to use online work submission.