Drastic religion decrease harms our generation

Religion comes into question for this generation.

Photo by Margot Stack '22

Religion comes into question for this generation.

Growing up, religion was something very important to my family. My siblings and I would attend Sunday school every week for practically our whole childhood. From praying before meals to going to church on holidays, religion has always been something I can count on.

But recently, the attention to religion has decreased significantly, not only in my family, but in this entire generation. 

Nowadays, you see fewer and fewer people talking about religion in school, with friends and in public. It seems as though religion has disappeared in teens’ lives. As we get older, religion becomes something more people start to forget about or even doubt. 

This decrease in religious beliefs is caused by a lack of exposure. Children and teens are not aware of the benefits to being a part of a religious community. 

Belonging to a community where you are always welcomed is essential to a child’s growth, and establishing a bond with God can benefit a child for the rest of his or her life.  According to Forbes, a recent study from Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health observed that children and teens who are raised with religious or spiritual practices tend to have better physical and mental health as they age. 

Public schools are supposed to keep religious instruction to a minimum, but students are still allowed to express their religion within the school environment. 

If students were to form a club surrounding religion, they could convey their religious beliefs and have an outlet for students to bond with others in their community. The group would allow for a safe community to practice religion, without forcing any student to be involved. Allowing students to explore religions and what they have to offer with no judgment could be very beneficial. 

Religion is crucial to a child’s development and can help them for the rest of their lives, both socially and emotionally. Religion offers a sense of community that provides support and the feeling of belonging that may be absent in many children’s lives. 

Starting a student-run club in which teenagers can openly express their religious beliefs acts  as a safe place for students to be open with their religion. Simple things like this could help increase awareness about religion and get students more involved.