Orlin spins in sync


After years of practice, Katie Orlin ’17 has perfected her sport. Her blades cut through the ice as her arms pull back. She launches herself off the ground, perfectly synchronized with her 19 teammates, followed by a flawless one footed landing that leaves the cheering crowd amazed.

Though Orlin has traveled the world with her synchronized skating team, Orlin most vividly recalls flying to Croatia for the Junior World Championships.

Orlin and her teammates took to the ice after hearing the booming voice of the announcer state, “‘May I present to you Skyliners, representing the United States of America.’”

“That moment was absolutely surreal,” Orlin said, smiling as she recalled her experience at Junior Worlds last month. “Every hair on my arm stood straight up. All I could think about was everything I’ve ever done the endless practices to perfect the routines, all the grueling conditioning, the countless hours I’ve spent on the ice all of it has led up to that exact moment,” she added.

Her team won first place in the North East division, and first place at the National championships, and was ranked sixth at Worlds where Orlin competed against skaters from all corners of the globe.

But her victory reflects all the dedication and hard work Orlin put in to reach the Junior World Championship. Starting in the first grade Orlin has lived and breathed the ice. By the age of seven, she was competing freestyle skating and later began her career in synchronized skating. Even now, when the sun has set and when most students are at home finishing their study guide for the next day’s test, Orlin is working out on the ice.   But the hard work is made easier when it is done in an act of love.

Orlin’s mom, Jane, loves to watch her daughter sail across the ice. “She has always loved to skate,” she began. “I love how much she has grown on and off the ice. Her hard work has truly paid off.”